Friday, July 31, 2009

Fight For Your Animal Rights!

Seriously, I love animals and I especially love when the media covers ridiculous animal stories. I'm amazed by Mr. Clucky, the famous South Beach rooster who has just been ordered to leave the town. This poor little guy was rescued by local Mark Buckley and then went on to become an icon of South Beach street life. Now Mr.Clucky is getting kicked out of his home because he is classified as "poultry". Mr. Clucky is not poultry, poultry does not ride around on the handlebars of a bicycle!

This court footage is insanity, Mr Clucky's owner tries to claim Mr. Clucky as his witness, the judge is clearly not going to be having that!

Mr. Clucky's has his own business card!

Mr. Clucky's everyday routine, what a life!

I live for this kind of story, a bicycle riding rooster with his own business cards in court fighting for his right to stay in Miami! You can't make this stuff up. The judge ruled against Mr. Clucky and said he had to leave the town. Last I saw Mr. Clucky's owner will try to go back to court and fight for the rooster. If they don't win you might soon be getting a new animal celebrity in your home town.

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